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The signs you falling in love

Anyway...I think it's quite true....

If you like to get out from a noisy party and walk together outside only with him/her,

you are in love with him/her.

When you are together with him/her, you pretend to ignore her.

But when she/he is not around you, you might look around to find him/her.

At that moment, you are in love.

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh,

your eyes and attention might go only to him/her.

Then, you are in love with him/her.

Although she/he supposes to call you a long ago

to let you know him/her safe arriving at home, your phone is quiet.

Then, if you realize that you are in panic for the waiting.

At that moment, you are in love with him/her.

When you look at a group picture,

you might rather look for him/her(to know who was next to him/her or how she/he look like in that picture) than look for yourself.

Then, you realize that you are in love with him/her.

You have to hook out your telephone line for your busy study,

but you can not do it for one phone call from him/her.

Then, you are in love with him/her.

If you are much more exciting for one short e-mail from her than other many long e-mails,

you are in love with him/her.

When you find yourself who can not erase full of messages in your answering machine for one message from him/her,

you are in love.

When you get a couple of free movie tickets,

you would not hesitate to think of him/her.

Then, you are in love.

You keep telling yourself,

"She/he is just a friend,"

but you realize that you can not help avoiding the special attraction from him/her.

At that moment, you are in love with him/her.

While you are reading this mail,

if someone appear in your mind,

you are deeply in love with him/her.

Well, those were true isn't it ?

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